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I found it very difficult to teach class that day. As if it wasn’t bad enough that I was humiliated in front of the whole school as well as my boss for being paraded around in nothing but my underwear, I was still pitching a tent in my shorts for the first ten minutes of class. The girls were not quiet about it either. They pointed and laughed and made lewd comments as my face turned raspberry colored while I was trying to teach them about ‘angles’ of all things.
“He’s got a perfect 90 degree angle right between his legs!”
“Jesus, how big is he? He got to at least have six or seven inches down there.”
“If only he would take off those boxers, then we would know for sure.”
“What a pervert! What do you think got him going?”
“I bet it was the dean! She was the last person we ran into before coming to class.”
“Man, I wish I had tits like hers. I wouldn’t mind being the reason he got that puppy up!”
As my erection died down so did the jeering. During the whole class I was trying to avoid eye contact with a certain blonde foreign girl (aka: the real reason I got an erection). Though it was convenient that my students thought it was the dean who turned me on instead of their classmate. Nonetheless, I still had to call on Bridget to stay at the end of class to return my glasses.
After one hellish hour and a half came and went, my students left the classroom looking more chipper than they ever had been. Some of the girls waved flirtatiously at me, others mouthed the words ‘call me’ as they exited, while the rest of them winked and blew me kisses. As my face finally cooled down after that embarrassing lecture, I faced Bridget once we were alone in the classroom. We held each other’s gaze for a moment. Then I opened my mouth to ask about my glasses…
“Professor Finn, may I have a moment?”
In the doorway stood Dean Ostendi with a clipboard in her hand. I was startled for a second. Despite this being the second time today my boss gets to see me in my underwear I reflexively grabbed a ledger from my desk to cover myself up. Ostendi only chortled at this. “Oh Professor you might as well put that down. I already saw you earlier, which is partly the reason why I am here.” With rosy cheeks I meekly set the ledger back on the desk revealing my boxer clad form to her once again. “That’s better,” She smiled “Anyway, the reason why I am here is to ask you a favor Professor. You see, I promised Delia Sands, the art professor, that I would help her find a model for her class by today. Since the man who originally promised to step in for her got a better paying position she has been frantic about finding a replacement model in time for her students’ drawing assignments. When I saw you in the cafeteria today Professor Finn, I got the idea to have you fill that temporary spot. You have the ideal build Delia is looking for, her class begins right after yours so your schedule will allow it, and” She gave me a once over “you look like you would be willing to try out her costumes. I already spoke to Delia about this and she has accepted. Would you be willing to help out?”
Hell no. The art teacher can suck it as far as I am concerned. As much as I want to prove myself to my superiors, I cannot allow myself to be degraded yet again. “Oh gee, Dean Ostendi, this sounds like such a great opportunity.” I faked some enthusiasm before I turned her down. “However, I don’t think I can…”
“If you do me this favor, I will overlook the ruckus you started in the cafeteria. However good your intentions may be, we can’t have our educators running around in their skivvies. Plus, if you claim to be posing for a class, you will come out looking more dignified şişli bayan escort to the viewers of your little spectacle.” She had me there.
Suppressing a dejected sigh, I forced another smile for my boss and relented. Although she was clearly pressuring me, it would be more to my advantage if I let her think I was looking forward to helping her out.
“Marvelous!” She handed over the clipboard that was containing a document. “Just sign this agreement form and we can get you to Delia’s class straight away.”
Placing the form on my desk, I bent over in an attempt to read it. I didn’t even get through two sentences before I felt Bridget and the dean’s eyes latch themselves on my ass and back muscles. With a shiver down my spine, I quickly signed the document and handed it back to Ostendi before I could actually read any of it.
“All set, you should know Delia’s class is in…”
“Myra,” Bridget stepped in; she had been quiet up until now. “I actually have that class next. I am sort of Delia’s personal assistant to the art room. How about I show Professor Avery where it is myself. The professor always has her models go to the changing room first to get ready. I will show him what he has to wear.”
“My, isn’t that convenient? Sounds perfect. Be sure to get there in time you two. I will give Delia a call to let her know that you are coming while you head to the changing room.” The dean scurried right out of the room. Once she was finally out of earshot, I let out a huge groan.
What have I gotten myself into now?
Moving across campus again in nothing but my underwear pretty much yielded the same results as before. So many girls pointed and wolf-whistled as they caught sight of me. I could only blush and silently curse the fact that the art teacher’s changing room was in another building. When we finally entered the place we had to climb two flight’s of stairs just to make it to an old dance studio that was across the hall from the art room.
From what Bridget explained to me along the way, the reason why Professor Sands designated this mirror-covered room as her ‘changing room’ was because it was the only room on the same floor that was usually empty during her class. Seeing myself in all of those mirrors in only my boxer shorts brought on a whole new kind shame.
[Agggh…look at yourself! You look ridiculous! Getting roped into a childish bet and now modeling? You should be ashamed of yourself Avery!]
Bridget shut the door behind us and moved to a large trunk in the corner of the room. “Alright Professor Avery,” she opened the trunk “what you will be wearing for this class will be in here.”
When Bridget pulled out a bottle from the trunk I became confused. As she popped off the cap of that bottle the scent of lavender filled the air for a moment.
“Okay Professor Avery, now drop your drawers.”
I blinked. “What?”
“Delia’s assignment is to have her students emphasize the beauties of the human body in sketches. This oil is used to make your masculine features more…pronounced, which is why the teacher required it for this class’ models. Scarlet’s older sister is a professional photographer and she uses this stuff on her models all the time. In fact she…”
“Stop right there! You are basically asking me to get completely naked! I was under the impression I was putting on a costume, not posing nude! Do you honestly expect me to just strip down!?”
“You already told the dean you would do this right? You signed a form and everything. So does it even matter what you will be wearing? Or are you telling me you are backing down?”
I couldn’t argue with her. As absurd as the bayan escort entire situation sounded, I still made a promise that I would go through with this when I signed the agreement form. I do not go back on my word…no matter how embarrassing this is going to be.
I turned my back towards Bridget. “No,” I hooked my thumbs in the elastic of my flannel boxers “I wont back out.” I closed my eyes to brace myself “I gave my word I would do this, and my word is my law.” So many times I wish it wasn’t. With one little tug, the last shred of my pride fell down to my ankles. I stepped out of my underwear and kicked them over to Bridget right before I opened my eyes.
I instantly realized just how futile it was for me to turn around. How could I forget that the room had mirrors on every wall? I had a perfect view of Bridget eyeing my junk as she scooped up my boxers and she most definitely had the optimum view of me standing uncovered in the buff. I quickly crossed my legs and cupped myself with my hands turning bright red in the face. She saw me naked! She’s seeing me naked! And she is going to continue seeing me naked for the duration of this art class!
“Most impressive physique Professor,” Bridget grinned provocatively. “I bet you will look even better covered in oil. Do you want to apply it to yourself or would you prefer I help you?”
“Give me that bottle!” I plucked the bottle out of Bridget’s hands. Surrounded by mirrors, it was impossible for me to apply the oil without Bridget seeing my dick. So I took a deep breath and moved my hand away from my penis to pour oil into my palm. Bridget ogled me lasciviously, particularly between my legs. My face reddened as I lubed up my shoulder, letting the oil cascade down my chest. I slid my hand across my body covering my pecs and my abs. All the while I maintained intense eye contact with Bridget.
“This will go much faster with the both of us working that body.” Bridget reclaimed the bottle and strode right behind me. Giving herself a handful of oil she soaked my sides and hips pouring the contents of the bottle on the nape of my neck. Both her touch and the shock from the cool oil going down my back made me shiver.
“Ho-Hold up! Bridget…don’t…” I bit down on my lip as she set down the bottle and rubbed down my back and massaged my shoulders. My own hands gravitated down to my dick. Bridget caressed my flesh as she worked her salacious hands down to my ass. I stroked myself as she groped my legs all the while looking past my frame straight into the mirror so she can continually keep an eye on me stroking my member. I was hard by the time she got to my feet.
I kept stroking and yanking right up until the point Bridget grabbed my hands putting them to a halt. I was a bit stunned not even realizing I was in a heated daze. I was practically…no…I was actually masturbating in front of Bridget! I turned crimson. How shameless can I be?!
“I am as turned on as you professor Ave.” With the oil set in, Bridget pressed her breasts into my back and laid her chin on my shoulder, looking at both of us in the mirror. “But maybe we should get to class first. Unless you want to do something else real quick.” She kept her hands on top of mine, I was still gripping my boner.
With my heart hammering I reluctantly pushed off Bridget’s hands re-positioning my own to cover my indignity.
“We don’t want be late,” I panted producing sweat off my now shiny naked body. “Off to class!”
I dashed towards the door and ran down the hallway. I knew my face was burning bright even without the mirrors showing me. Streaking down the hall to the art room with my glistening bare skin, Bridget followed taksim bayan escort close behind.
I crashed right into a woman carrying a stack of papers. The stack went flying everywhere and the woman carrying them fell over on her side as I doubled over on my butt.
I raised myself up and rushed to her aid. “Oh! I am so sorry!” I froze as I realized just who I toppled over right before helping her up.
She hastily took my hands. “Geez! Watch where you’re go…” She trailed off just as soon as she got a good look at the naked man in her presence. Her eyes fixated on my penis then shot right up to my reddening face. The woman I just knocked over was none other than my most hated colleague, Professor Carlene Suther from the Biology department. The very first day we met, I criticized her teaching methods, declared how useless she was at teaching her own course, and lectured her on how inappropriate her outfit was for a school environment. Needless to say I did not care for her much and she certainly did not care for me.
What was she doing here!?
Prof. Suther’s look of surprise turned into one of impish delight as she straightened herself.
“My, my, Professor Finn,” her devilish eyes raked my naked body as she refused to let go of my hands. Crap, I was still hard from when Bridget fondled my backside earlier. “I have to say, your choice of wear is ‘entirely inappropriate for a school environment.'”
I gulped. She pretty much parroted the same thing I said to her when I saw her in a tube top and faded jeans. Today she was in a halter top, daisy dukes, and heels, yet I was the one who was the most unacceptably dressed right now. Ah, irony.
I shook away her hands. “Let me explain!”
Without a warning, Professor Suther pulled out her phone and flashed a picture of me about a second before I covered myself. “I wonder what the dean will do about this?” She was grinning from ear to ear as she flashed more pictures. “Oh you are so going to get fired for this you jackass! Then we’ll see who’s teaching methods are ‘sub par at their best’ as you once said to me!”
My face was like a chili pepper as I lifted my leg turning to the side while cupping my privates. FLASH! FLASH! FLASH!
“The dean already knows Professor.” Bridget stepped in. “It was Myra who commissioned Avery to be the new model for the art class. He will be filling in for the previous model’s term.” Her face was solemn and her tone was even.
“Wait a minute,” Suther lowered her phone “You wouldn’t happen to be referring to Delia’s class would you? The one down the hall?”
“The very same.” Bridget nodded.
Suther took a moment as if she were working through some big conundrum. What was she thinking? I couldn’t help but wonder. Her impish smile returned. “That’s…so…wonderful!”
Suther walked past me swatting me on the butt when she got behind me. SLAP! I nearly doubled over again. “Well I better not make you late for this super fun class Professor Finn.” Her devious smile unnerved me “I just came out of a short meeting with Delia. Who would have thought you were the model she mentioned, huh? She is really looking forward to seeing you. I can’t wait til we meet again.” She waved goodbye as she clicked away in her heels.
That was strange.
What was she doing with Professor Sands anyway? And why did she just let me go so easily? I know she still hates me. Does she have something planned or am I just being paranoid?
Bridget pulled me in for a hug. “Don’t worry, like I told you before, I am not going to let you get fired.” She buried her face in my bare chest sniffing the lavender coming off my muscles. “We are not done having fun yet.” Bridget took my arm and escorted me down the hall without further incident. She leaned in close enough to hear my heart flutter as I maintained my blush. This was all so embarrassing!
We walked forward finally making it to the art class…
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