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Cassandra, an attractive brunette with long straight hair, immensely enjoyed sex, although she was frequently disappointed. Her unhappiness did not stem from any deficiency on her part. Her lovers frequently complimented her. She had a sweet, delectable pussy, one that men craved to touch, to kiss, and, most of all, to be inside. It was, as they say, a pussy that talked. It emanated a nonverbal message of an almost mystical sensuality. Cassandra’s smooth firm thighs presented an enticing avenue to her portal of sweetness.

The problem was that when a lover caught sight of Cassandra’s somewhat furry mound with vaginal lips parted ever so slightly in an inviting, almost shy manner, he became extremely impatient to enter her. Whenever she allowed a man to enter, all it took was a few thrusts before he popped off inside her. Afterward, when his all-consuming lust had been spent, he was invariably apologetic. The mood, however, had already been spoiled for Cassandra at that point, and she either manually stimulated herself to climax or ended the bedroom session.

More and more frequently she insisted that her lover for the night orally stimulate her to climax before penetration (and the inevitable short-lived intercourse). The men she brought home were also baffled at their lack of staying power. “There’s no saying no to that pussy,” one of them told her. “It just yanks it out of me!”

Their explanations seldom made Cassandra feel any better. There was one night when the inevitable happened and as she lay on the bed with a pouting look on her face, her lover exasperatedly exclaimed, “I’d undo it and try again if I could!”

She then told him that if he really meant that, he could get his mouth down there and prove it by orally extracting his ejaculate. he actually considered it for a few moments, and decided that he couldn’t. That ended Cassandra’s romance that night, although she was stimulated by the thought of humiliating a guy by having him orally service her after ejaculating inside her.

She tried other tactics to delay ejaculation of her lovers.

Having sex while partially clothed did almost the opposite of what she intended. When she lay on the bed, the bottom of her skirt rested just above her beautiful knees, which made the sight (and feel) of her pussy all the more irresistible when she opened up to receive him.

Another tactic was to wear old, tattered clothing when bedding down with her lover. The denim cutoffs with dangling threads; the oversized T-shirt with torn sections only whetted her lovers’ appetite and desire.

Failing that, Cassandra refrained from showering for a few days, figuring that a little skank would help her achieve her goal. The next lover she had told her that her scent was intoxicatingly sensuous, and he spurted on her thighs as he prepared to enter her.

Cassandra seriously considered giving up on men, and wondered if she’d have more satisfaction with another woman. She also wondered if she was trying too hard, and if she should be more casual and wait for the right man to come along. The nagging thought in the back of her mind was that there were no men who could give her sustaining satisfaction.

One man she dated somewhat shyly told her that he was submissive, and told her that he fantasized being tied to the bed during sex. She remembered her desire to humiliate, then smiled and told him that she hadn’t done that, but would be willing to try it.

She bound the naked man’s ankles to the corner bedposts, then tied his wrists together and bound them above his head. His erection throbbed as Cassandra slowly stripped. She lightly touched him all over, and he struggled against his restraints in sweet torment, wishing he could hold her. He frequently gazed at her midsection and fervently wished he could plunge into her enticing womanhood between those slightly open lips. She was aroused at the thought of what she was going to do. Her labia glistened with droplets of her feminine lubricant, which made her pussy all the more enticing.

She straddled him. He groaned excitedly as she guided him inside. She knew what was going to happen next. A few pumps of her hips, and he clenched his teeth and exclaimed as he spurted. She continued to pump her hips for a moment after his ejaculation.

Now it’s payback time, Cassandra thought to herself, and withdrew. She made her way up to his face, and then pinched his nose shut. “That’s it,” she whispered when he opened his mouth to breathe. Then she swiftly placed her pussy on his mouth and kept his nose pinched shut. Her thighs held his head in place.

“Mmmmm! Mmmmmm! Mmmm-mmmm!” he exclaimed as the mixture of semen and feminine cream trickled into his mouth.

“I want you to suck me clean!” Cassandra said. “If I let you breathe will you suck it?”

He frantically attempted to nod his head in assent, and she released his nose. After a few deep breaths he applied his mouth to her pussy and extracted as much as he could. Cassandra shuddered in climax, more from the rush of power that she experienced than from vaginal stimulation.

“That wasn’t escort şişli too bad,” she told him as she climbed off. “Maybe next time I’ll see how many times I can milk you.” Then she untied him and sent him home. Later that night, and for several nights following, she masturbated to the thought of forcing men to orally extract their semen after ejaculation.

Cassandra confided in her friend Vicky about her problems. She also rather shyly told Vicky about her latest encounter with the submissive male. Cassandra’s eyes betrayed her arousal as she narrated the incident where she force-fed the bound male his own ejaculate.

Vicky was captivated, by the story, and after it was related, she said, “Now I’m going to take a risk here, Cassandra. There’s a friend of mine who works at a kind of reform clinic. She told me something really bizarre a while back. I couldn’t believe it. But she told me that it’s a coed facility — well, not really coed — there’s a separate side for males and females – and there are times when they decide that they want to really punish someone there who’s earned a lot of demerits.”

“Well, what IS it?!” Cassandra asked impatiently.

“See, normally they use spanking for discipline, I guess, but when someone’s been really bad, they get one of the girls – the girls who need to be punished – and they bind her to this special table. Then they get one of the males from the other side – one who’s being rewarded – and they let him have sex with her. They give him something like fifteen minutes with her. She has a blindfold on so she can’t see who’s doing her.”

“Oh, wow!” Cassandra exclaimed. She was unsettled at what Vicky just described. It was degrading. It was disgusting. It was… arousing. “What do they do with the guys who need to be punished like that?”

“I tried to get her to tell me, but she said she couldn’t. I’m curious too, so I’m going to work on her some more.”

They finished their lunch. Over the next several days Cassandra wondered if it would be worth it to go through the milking idea with the submissive male. She hesitated to go through all that effort for a few moments of pleasure. She did, however, continue to masturbate in bed thinking about it.

As Cassandra was getting ready for bed one night, Vicky called. “I know it’s late, but I’ve got to talk to you – can I come over?”

“I – I guess so, yes. Come on over.”

Vicky rushed in when Cassandra opened the door.

“I wouldn’t have been able to sleep if I didn’t tell you right away,” Vicky stated a few moments later. “I talked to my friend about, you know, what we talked about the other day, and I got her to spill how they punish both males and females who don’t respond to their other discipline.” Vicky was wide-eyed now.

“Vicky, tell me,” Cassandra pleaded.

“Well, they tie down this girl, like I told you the other day,” Vicky began, her voice quavering with excitement. “They let two or three guys have their way with her. The guy to be punished is also tied down, and he’s been watching this happen. After the guys have filled her up, they have the girl go over to the guy and put the stuff in his mouth. They have his mouth forced open with some kind of thing.”

“Oh, Vicky,” Cassandra exclaimed, aroused. “Oh… Vicky!”

“See why I had to tell you?!”

They sat silent for a few moments. Then Cassandra grasped Vicky’s shoulders and blurted, “Vicky, I’ve GOT to get in on that! I could take on ten, twelve guys, ’cause they pop so fast. Think of how much that would generate!” Then she felt silly at having said that.

Vicky squirmed and said, “I would give anything to see that. Listen, I can’t guarantee anything, but if you get a call from someone you don’t know and she mentions having talked to me, pretend like you don’t know as much as I’ve told you, okay?”

Cassandra couldn’t resist giving Vicky a kiss on the lips. “Thanks so much, Vicky.”

For several days Cassandra waited for the mystery call. Every night she furiously masturbated while fantasizing about the prison scene. During dinnertime one day the phone rang. The caller ID said it was Vicky, so Cassandra decided to answer it. An unfamiliar voice asked for Cassandra.

“This is Cassandra,” she replied.

The voice continued. “This is Sherry. I’m a friend of Vicky’s, and I work for a reform clinic. Can we meet for lunch soon? I’d like to talk to you in person.”

Cassandra’s heart pounded as she stammered that she’d certainly be willing to meet her. Sherry gave directions to the clinic, and instructions on being admitted as a guest of the staff. They agreed on the following day.

The next morning Cassandra told her supervisor at work that she had an appointment ‘at the clinic’ and would be late getting back from lunch.

She made her way to the facility and signed in. After a few minutes a woman in her early forties with close-cropped light brown hair appeared and asked for Cassandra.

“I’m Sherry,” she announced, extending her hand and looking into Cassandra with pleasant yet penetrating escort taksim eyes.

Cassandra was visibly nervous as Sherry led them to the staff lunchroom. Sherry tried to put her at ease before talking about the central issue.

“I’m really glad that Vicky told me about you,” she began. Then she got Cassandra to talk about herself. By the time dessert came, the women seemed to have a good rapport.

“Now,” Sherry asked, “Tell me why you are interested in being here. Vicky told me some things, but I’d rather hear them from you so that there are no inaccuracies.”

Cassandra took a deep breath and related her frustration with dating. In hushed tones she told Sherry about the bondage incident and her pleasure from the aftermath, and then about when she heard from Vicky about the unusual discipline, she wanted to get in on it for the domination experience after accumulating multiple ejaculations. Sherry’s eyes visibly widened when Cassandra mentioned her desire to take on a large number of males.

Sherry thanked her for being forthright, and assured Cassandra that she would probably find the work quite fulfilling. Then she laughed at her inadvertent pun. She suggested that they go to the room where the event takes place. They went through several doorways, each requiring Sherry’s intervention to unlock and open.

They ended up in a large room which looked like a combination of a bondage parlor dungeon and a medical clinic. There was an examination table, stainless steel stands, water faucets, a bathroom, and a large firm X-shaped structure.

“You’ll be wearing the regulation women’s clothing, which is a light blue denim sheath dress and white laceless sneakers,” Sherry stated. “Most of the women think that the dress they have to wear is too short, but the regulations are clear on that. You, of course, will not be wearing panties. The top of your dress will be pulled down to bare your breasts. Your skirt will be pulled up for access. Then you’ll be bound to this X table. Come and look at it more closely.”

The sturdy table’s surface was padded with thick smooth material. It was hinged at several places. The table was designed so that the woman tied to it could be tilted to any angle, from a standing position to lying horizontally, and partially inverted. There were metal loops for binding straps in several places.

“We will bind your ankles and your wrists so that you are spread-eagled. Then we will adjust the table so that you are almost horizontal. As the session progresses we may need to tilt it further back beyond the horizontal so that the, uh, payload will not escape. You’ll be blindfolded while you are secured to the table. You will be lubricated with a translucent lotion. The lotion has the quality of making the woman appear to have recently had sex. We find that this arouses the males.” Sherry paused for effect.

“The males who will be interacting with you are then brought in, one at a time. They are completely naked, with their hands cuffed behind them. The male is allowed to have intercourse with you while standing. A member of the staff will assist his entry into your vagina if necessary, by spreading your labia and guiding his erection inside. Then he will proceed until he ejaculates. He will then be escorted out, and the next one brought in. Are you still with us so far?”

Cassandra nodded.

“Good. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like you to show me your vagina. There’s no need to undress, but I’d like to see what your assets are. You can get up here on the examination table.”

Cassandra nervously removed her panties and got on the examination table.

“Good – just lie back. Okay, spread your legs now. Oh, my! That IS an attractive one! Nice lubrication too. I’m going to insert a finger.”

Cassandra gasped when Sherry brusquely jammed her middle finger inside her pussy, and then wiggled it around.

“I strongly recommend inserting a sizable phallic probe several times a day and getting accustomed to it before the event,” Sherry advised. “The impatient male equipment is going to want only one thing – to be inside you, and some of them might be rather unrefined about it. Okay, you can get up now.”

Cassandra felt somewhat embarrassed at having bared her pussy to Sherry, at the same time as she felt a rapport because of the intimacy.

“I liked your idea of using more than the customary 2 to three males,” Sherry continued. “I like the idea so much that I think six or more at a session is about right. Bear in mind that the recipient of your ‘payload’ may be male or female. How about Friday evening for the session. Would that work for you?”

Cassandra assented, and Sherry reminded her to use a vaginal probe in the interim, and to be at the front gate 90 minutes before the actual session for preparation.

Cassandra purchased a vibrating dildo on the way home that day, and undressed immediately upon arriving home. She lubricated the dildo with lotion and got on her bed and spread her legs. She moaned as she gradually inserted it far into her pussy. After escort mecidiyeköy a moment she closed her eyes and pumped the dildo in and out. She pumped faster and faster, visualizing herself tied spread-eagled. Then she switched on the vibration and stimulated herself to climax. She repeated this exercise twice more before going to bed, and at least twice a day over the next few days.

Friday morning Cassandra felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation, and decided to go directly to the clinic from work.

She waited anxiously in the visitor’s center for several minutes before Sherry appeared. They went through the several locked doors at the facility and ended up in the nurse’s station.

“Please give her a douche and a shower, and fit her with regulation clothing,” Sherry instructed the nurse. “Then bring her to the X-room.” She left Cassandra alone with the nurse.

“Take all your clothes off while I prepare your douche,” the nurse directed. Cassandra undressed and waited. Her eyes widened when she saw the nurse carrying a huge enema bag – it looked twice the size of an ordinary one.

“Lie back here on the table, hon, and put your feet in the stirrups. Be glad I’m not giving you an enema.” Cassandra felt extremely exposed and vulnerable in with her legs spread as they were. The nurse placed the full bag on a stainless steel stand and adjusted the table so that Cassandra was partially sitting up. Then she positioned a catch pan underneath, inserted the douche nozzle, and started the flow. As the douche progressed, the nurse stopped the flow several times and moved the nozzle around, and restarted it. The only sound in the room was the solution trickling out into the catch pan. Finally it was over.

“Okay, girl, you can use the shower and then we’ll get you dressed.”

Cassandra showered and took particular care to wash her pubic area. After she dried herself, the nurse presented her with a light blue denim sheath dress. Cassandra slipped it on and felt underclothed – the hem of the dress settled halfway between her hips and her knees. She put on the white sneakers, without socks, and noticed that she was not presented with panties.

“Okay, dear, come with me,” the nurse said, and Cassandra followed her to the X-room. She was glad to see Sherry there – in fact, Sherry was the only other person in the room. The X-frame had been adjusted so that it was horizontal.

“It’ll be okay,” Sherry tried to reassure Cassandra. “Now let’s get the top of your dress down to your tummy,” she said, and helped Cassandra with that maneuver. “Okay now, lie on the table here and we’ll get you situated.”

The padding on the structure was more comfortable than she thought it would be, and she positioned herself with her legs spread. Her back and head were supported by a section of the table.

“Good. Now put your arms above your head and spread them apart so I can bind them.” She felt the snug binding straps around her wrists. Sherry went to the front. “Lift up here for a sec,” she said as she grasped the hem of Cassandra’s dress and tucked it under her waist, rendering her bare from the waist down. Cassandra looked sensuously alluring in that pose, like a helpless damsel in distress just asking to be ravished. Sherry bound the captive girl’s ankles to the X frame. Then she retrieved a bottle of lotion.

“I’ll get you lubed up now,” she remarked, and squirted some lotion on one finger. She inserted her lubricated finger into Cassandra’s vagina and probed around. She withdrew and squirted more lotion, and went in again. She repeated this until she was confident that Cassandra’s innards were well lubricated. Then she squirted a few drops of the translucent lotion on Cassandra’s labia. The drops oozed downward, presenting an irresistible picture of a freshly sexed vagina.

“One more little thing, and the show begins,” Sherry quipped, and retrieved a red scarf. She blindfolded Cassandra with it.

Cassandra’s world went dark, and she felt alone and vulnerable. Her senses were heightened, and she paid close attention to sounds. She startled when she felt a hand on her belly.

“It’s me, honey,” the nurse said.

Cassandra heard the sound of heavy doors opening and closing. A few seconds later she felt a male presence between her bound and spread legs. The nurse’s hand moved downward and she felt feminine fingers spreading her labia. Next came the unmistakable feeling of sudden penetration.

“AHHHH!” Cassandra exclaimed, more from fright than from pain. She felt the hard, erect male member plunge in up to the hilt and pause for a half second. Then it pulled back, and plunged in all the way again. Once more, and then she heard a male voice exclaim, “OH! Ahh!” The hard cock rapidly pumped in and out as it spewed forth. Then the cock settled in for a moment, still ejecting a squirt every few seconds. After a moment she felt it withdraw.

There was the sound of a door opening and closing, and in a moment Cassandra again felt a presence between her legs. She clenched her fists and twisted from side to side a few times. She gathered that the nurse apparently was not immediately by her side. The second male apparently had to maneuver his cock into her pussy without help, with his hands bound behind him. She felt the tip of it touch her labia and shift around for a few seconds. Then there was a sudden and rather brusque penetration.

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