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Down a quiet country road there stood a 2-story white farmhouse. It faced the south so the warm afternoon sun would warm the living room and an upstairs bedroom. Coming up in to the yard you saw a 100+ year old oak standing stately in the front yard. A well worn tire swing hung there – waiting for play. Passing the tree you caught a glimpse of something and turned to look…ahhh yes, there it was – carved into the trunk of the tree were the words Philip Loves Diane. It was as if the tree had grown with those words whittled into it…they looked permanent – as though they had been there forever.
Continuing towards the house you see the large front porch with a two seat swing gently swaying in the breeze. It is clear that whoever lived here loved to be together – everything arranged so there is seating for two. Looking up you see gauzy white curtains blowing out of the upstairs windows – catching the breeze – waving hello.
You move to the steps and hear them creak beneath your weight as you climb towards the porch and through the front door. Opening the screen – it squeaks – years of opening and closing this old sentry.
Inside now and you scan the living room. Although a pale layer of dust covers everything you still see that it was a cozy room – a place for relaxation and good conversation. It is simply appointed – a cushiony blue flowered couch – nothing too garish – just comfortable – against one wall. An old black leather loveseat, a large curio cabinet filled with pictures and books– memories of times passed. The wood floor is covered mostly with a large hand woven rug – the colors are faded from use but it is still in good condition. Over in the corner you see an old wooden rocking chair…possibly used to cradle a child or just to relax in and enjoy the breeze on a warm summer day.
You continue to move through the house – into the kitchen. A wonderfully large country kitchen. A mammoth wood table with benches and chairs surrounding it. Lots of friends and family have obviously sat at this table – conversations were happy – joy flowed like the wine that was served with the meals. Many grand banquets were prepared here – you can almost still smell the roast beef, potatoes and gravy, carrots and blueberry pie….
Stopping for just a second – voices? Can you be hearing voices? You move to the stairs leading up and peer into the hazy darkness. You were sure you heard laughing – but not possible – this old place has been empty for years. Carefully moving up now – each step a stealth attempt to sneak up on whoever – whatever is awaiting you.
At the top of the stairs and to the right you find a door ajar and push on it letting it open mostly of its own accord. You see before you a massive mahogany 4-post bed – it still shines from the last polishing it received. The bed is laden with pillows – all sizes, all shapes. Some hand embroidered with the names Rob and Diane….remembering again the tree out front and it’s declaration of lasting love. The feather bed looks inviting and you are tempted to take a rest from the summer heat but you stop…. In the corner of the room is a large overstuffed chair and you feel better about sitting in that as opposed to intruding on the bed. “I’ll just sit a spell” – you think and once enfolded in the arms of the chair you fall fast asleep.
You see before you now – two people coming up the stairs – the man leading the woman by the hand – both beaming like the first stars of evening. They move quickly into the bedroom and fall into each other’s arms on the great bed. Rolling, kissing, touching, exploring…it is their laughter that you heard – it is their memories that you are experiencing. You feel the love – the passion – a fire so hot it could never be extinguished. His lips on hers – tasting. She has wrapped her legs around him as if to keep him bound to her forever. You see the clothing being removed and cast about the bed and floor – they are playing like kittens – rolling and pouncing. A Greco Roman wrestling tournament wouldn’t have the changes in dominance that these two are experiencing – first she’s on top then he and then she….it’s amazing how they trade positions so fast and yet remain tightly pressed to each other’s body.
They are both naked now and you see her on her back – pushing her full breasts up to him – offering her gift for his acceptance. His mouth moves over her – lips, neck and down to her waiting nipples….the tits quite obviously hard and his mouth pulling, kissing, suckling them. You can hear the moaning – the sound of skin moving over skin – the sound of moisture. You begin to feel a little dirty observing their passion play out before you – yet you can’t avert your eyes. A cobra’s movements aren’t as hypnotizing – alluring.
He is above her now – entering – retreating and entering again. It’s magnificent to see such obvious love and caring. So much delight displayed in such a fantastic way. It’s as though one of the sculptures from the India temple of Chandela has come to life. Erotic and powerful – there is no perversion just pure beauty. You realize you are witnessing the culmination of years of love – centuries of passion and enchantment.
You wake now – refreshed but still confused. Did you dream or did you actually witness two people enjoying each other’s bodies? The room is shadowed now as the sun has fallen further into the sky. You had no idea that you slept that long. Yes, it was just a dream – this house is empty. Moving out of the room – you hear a faint sigh behind you. Stopping on the step you listen again and you most certainly hear another sigh – like a breeze and then you hear…..”I love you Philip – forever” and another moan following that “I love you Diane, for eternity”. Tears form in your eyes and trickle down your cheeks.
It is true – once, in this house, for a brief blink of the Almighty’s eyes – there existed a great, pure love – a passion like no other has ever known. It is only a memory now but once lived two people made for each other – living only for each other. A love for all time.
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