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Before I knew better I thought a Nudist Camp would be a great place to expose myself. I soon learned that at nudist camps you cannot walk around with a hard on or even a partial hard on. Actually it’s pretty difficult to get a hard on when no one around you is paying any attention to the fact that you are naked. There are no shocked looks. No giggles. No tension.
Luckily for me the management of this nudist camp decided that clothing optional was a good idea. The membership was composed of hard core nudists who were always naked and the “lookieloos” who wore clothes most of the time and only came to the camp to see naked people. They were the ones I would talk to as much as possible. But, even they didn’t give me the thrill I needed. Standing around naked while talking to someone fully dressed is not exciting. It was pleasant though.
The nudist camp had all the usual amenities, the swimming pool. The hot tubs, the tennis courts, etc., etc., etc., and house trailers for rent.
There is one particular house trailer that is perfect for an exhibitionist. It is situated at the extreme edge of the nudist camp on the corner of two dirt roads and is the first one in a row of ten trailers. To the east of the trailer space, on the other side of one road, is a small chain link fence, between the fence and a two lane secondary road is about a four hundred feet of open land. The trailer is in plain sight of anyone on the road. There are signs posted warning people that “BEYOND THIS POINT YOU MAY SEE NUDE SUNBATHERS”. The signs stop legal problems, but does not stop anyone who wants to see naked people. I rented this trailer for several summer seasons. I had many interesting experiences at this site.
At the south end of my trailer was a large living room. The east wall of the living room was a two-panel sliding glass door. Literally an eight foot by eight-foot wall of glass. On the west wall was a four-foot by four-foot window.
There is a reason for explaining all of this. You need to know the layout of the stage.
To the west of my trailer space was a large mobile home. A young married couple lived there with two small children.
OK now the stage is set.
The young couple living next door were full time residents. He, Joe worked evenings; she, Lilly was a full time Mom. She was about 25 years old, about a 7 in looks and build, with a nice personality. They were not hard core nudists. They did go nude in the pool and hot tub, but wore clothes most of the time.
On my first visit, I arrived on a Friday afternoon. While unloading the car, Lilly was sitting outside and introduced herself and her two young daughters, ages 3 and 4. During our conversation I learned that Joe came home about 10:00 PM and the kids were in bed by 9:00 PM.
That first weekend I watched for Joe to get home. He arrived about 10:15 Friday night and Saturday night. I met him, but he has nothing to do with this story.
The next Friday when I arrived, Lilly came over and we talked while I unloaded the car. Lilly smoked two cigarettes in the 15 minutes we were talking.
Friday evening I spent sometime at the clubhouse watching TV. When I went to the trailer it was a little after 9:00 PM and most of the lights in Lilly’s trailer were out. I quietly approached my trailer. I could see Lilly sitting by a small window smoking a cigarette. I knew the kids were tucked safely away for the night. I made some noise when unlocking the door and turned on my living room lights. When I looked back at Lilly’s trailer ALL of her lights were off. Well, that looked promising. Of course, I was already naked. I went into the bathroom and spread Astro-glide onto my cock and walked back into the living room. I knew I was in full view of the small window Lilly had been sitting by. I slowly stroked my cock while walking back and forth in front of the 4 foot by 4 foot window. I didn’t know if Lilly was watching until I saw the bright red tip of her cigarette in the small window. Whenever she took a drag on the cigarette I would see a bright red spot then it would get dull. The bright red spots kept getting closer and closer together. She was really sucking on that cigarette. I delayed my climax as long as I could. Finally, I shot my load into my left hand. After I drained every drop I went to the bathroom to clean up. When I came back into the living room I could still see the red tip of Lilly’s cigarette. It was not getting bright red as often anymore.
The lights in Lilly’s trailer came back on about 9:45 PM. Joe arrived at 10:15 PM
The next day Lilly was in her small yard tending her flowers when I left my trailer, we carried on a pleasant conversation about her flowers and the weather etc., she gave no indication that she had watched me beat my meat the night before.
For that first summer season, I would Jack off two or three times a month as she sat in the dark smoking her cigarettes.
The second year we became involved in a sexual relationship. But that has nothing to do with exhibitionism.
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